I am broken and I am shattered,
But you can’t see the pieces, I believe you don’t, you can’t
You only see me as a ghost in your void
And you still try to tell me who I am, who I’m supposed to
You can’t even see yourself, for who you really are, in the
I believe you don’t, you can’t,
You’ve refused to see the demons in disguise
You’ve convinced yourself of the pretty big lie.
Your aims, dreams and fears, merely drugs they’ve sold you,
To keep you overdosed and blind, at the cost of souls and
Too bad, too sad, you’ve snuffed too much of it
Too late, too wretched, you’ve lost too much hope of freedom
You wish, you prey, you preach to the world,
Yet too scared, too alarmed, too deep in the swamp of
blissful selfishness
You refuse to take action, you refuse to rise above
You puny mother fucker, wake up, make your stand
Nothing is standing in your way, but you
Accept the destiny shoved down your throat or make one of your
Stand by what you believe in or convince yourself you don’t,
Set your will, either choose to stand up or shut up and walk
Quit painting everything in a comforting grey
Do yourself a favor; quit lying, to others, to your pitiful
And know that your defeat was the fault of your own
Or kill the demons that they’ve chained to your soul,
Those demons that haunt you, shape you, control you,
You’ve really let those demons eat your soul to the core,
for way too fucking long
You aren’t what they shape and make you be, make you believe
Its just the virus they’ve planted deep in your being,
Demons can only breed within till you hold them in, let go
Shut out the ones who don’t understand, the ones who shove
it down your throat
It is your future, it is everyones future,
That you are a part of, that you are held responsible of,
Open your eyes, break free your locked up mind
Know that you are strong, countless millions strong, that
you are all,
Who were, who are, and who will be
Fight for your rights, for everyone’s rights, escape your
cage, this prison, the downfall…

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