If you want to expand your mind and feel something truly
beautiful, genuinely feel one with the universe and feel endless infinite love
towards all life within creation, spend your wealth, time and effort on the
actual countless numbers of people, animals, plants and trees who are helpless
and voiceless, who are suffering and dying, instead of on drugs..
And it doesn’t matter how you look, what lifestyle you have
embraced, what subculture you belong to, who you think or believe you are and
what you think you stand for, if you spend all the time, wealth and effort you
could be using to uplift those in need, on drugs, booze, parties, places or
material possessions for your own personal satisfaction, you are the same as
who you claim to stand against.. It might be a different color, a different
shade, but it is still the same shit..
Waking up from one dream to another is not waking up.. And
you don’t have to look a certain way, act a certain way, identify yourself with
or belong to a certain group, subculture or label to do the right thing.. Stop
lying to yourself, to others, stop pretending to be someone you aren’t, and get
Don’t get me wrong, I am not perfect, but I am trying my
best.. And I haven’t always been this way, haven’t always been this aware and
awake, but at least now I am trying to realize and understand.. And it is a
start.. And I am still transforming and growing.. It is just that it is really
saddening to see so many people who can make a real difference, a meaningful
change being distracted and doing nothing, because it is the worst that can
Please do get offended, get pissed off, because that can
lead to thinking.. And thinking can lead to meaningful transformation..