Monday, February 18, 2013

The mind's eye sewn shut!

A saint, a sinner, how do you tell the difference?
You’ve twisted reality, made the lines a blur
You praise the sinners, dub them kings
Mock the redeemers, torture and kill

You judge purity by color,
greatness and nobility by wealth and power
Ridicule what is good and right,
Justify what is wrong with ego and pride

You live to let others suffer and rot
Establish mediocrity and banality
You paint illusions in the name of truth
Use freedom as bait to enslave humanity

Gray is the new color, self-interest; the new norm
Free will has a twisted new meaning,
It is the ability to bend morality as you please,
Get paid in lives, and conquer all things null and void

All that is left is agony in this land that has lost its meaning,
All that prevails is fear in this world that has banished love,
All that we are, are lost children in a colorful masquerade,
Dancing our way to the slaughter house...
